Simple code to insert and delete data in the web page using a text box.
By Simple modifications in this code, it can be effectively used to implement a comment box, status box and a lot of things used to create a dynamic website.
HTML Code-
<head>Nodes Insertion and Deletion
Nodes Insertion Deletion Using JavaScript
<input class="txtbox" placeholder="Enter Value of Node">
<button type="button" class="butn">Add Node in List</button>
<input class="txtbox" placeholder="Enter Position of Node">
<button type="button" class="Rbutn">Remove Node from List</button>
<script src="app.js"></script>
JavaScript Code-
const btn=document.getElementsByClassName("butn")[0];
const Rbutn=document.getElementsByClassName("Rbutn")[0];
const txt=document.getElementsByClassName("txtbox")[0];
const Rtxt=document.getElementsByClassName("txtbox")[1];
let ul=document.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];
let ulchild=ul.children;
btn.addEventListener('click',() =>{
let content=txt.value;
let li=document.createElement("li");
Rbutn.addEventListener('click',() =>{
let Rcontent= Rtxt.value;
let tem=Rcontent;
let z = document.getElementsByTagName("li")[Rcontent];
else if(ulchild.length<Rcontent)
{alert("No Element at this position.");}
else if(!Rcontent && !tem)
{alert("You have not enter position.");}
alert("Invalid Position Number");